+ accessibility
– barriers
+ physics
Welcome to the official ARphymedes Plus project page, would you like to explore a more inclusive and interactive learning environment?
About us
The project
To find out more about the project’s purpose
Physics as a part of STEM subjects, represents an indispensable store of knowledge and it is becoming an increasingly important part of basic literacy and determinant in the current science-driven society.
Due to inadequate material-technical conditions, students with special educational needs (SEN) perform lower than their peers in mathematics and science, leading to
an underrepresentation of students with disabilities in STEM fields.

Inclusive education
By providing a variety of personalization functionalities, we want to remove the barrier of accessibility to an experience based learning process. Personal needs, attitudes, preferences, and skills are welcome and the educational content is accommodated based on the needs of individual, so that everyone can experience success in a physics class, and is encouraged to explore on their own the world of science.
To avoid a future skill gap and inequalities, this project will support of inclusive education and serve to achieve equality and dignity for all students, so that all students can express their potential and talents, by adapting the results to the needs of SEN students and teachers and by guiding learning scenarios in contexts of diversity.

Augumented reality
(shortly AR), unlike any other technology, provides an authentic, immersive and interactive learning experience for students. Physics based educational applications, using augmented reality technology, has been developed extensively in recent years.
It provides a unique opportunity to draw the attention of students, by enabling to conduct an unlimited repetition of experiments, making teachers less dependent on available resources and conditions in schools.
However actual educational material available for teachers at schools is still scarce, especially in non-English speaking countries.

Project aims:
Increased access to success in a core STEM subject for students with SEN - achieved by integrating the arts and game based learning into the educational process - via multimodal use of visual supports with AR, and by rearranging the abstract concepts of physics around a narrative story of how physics discoveries were made and how they are currently implemented.
Increased active participation of SEN students in physics class - by creating a protected “virtual laboratory space” without accessibility barriers.
Facilitate the process of streamlining opportunities in engagement and positive experience with STEM for SEN students resulting in higher interest in STEM careers.
Project aims:
Increased access to success in a core STEM subject for students with SEN - achieved by integrating the arts and game based learning into the educational process - via multimodal use of visual supports with AR, and by rearranging the abstract concepts of physics around a narrative story of how physics discoveries were made and how they are currently implemented.
Increased active participation of SEN students in physics class - by creating a protected “virtual laboratory space” without accessibility barriers.
Facilitate the process of streamlining opportunities in engagement and positive experience with STEM for SEN students resulting in higher interest in STEM careers.

Project scope
Project partners

Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave (SK)

Osnovna sola Orehek Kranj (SL)


Základná škola Postupimská 37 v Košiciach (SK)

Diadrasis (EL)